First Post

I couldn’t stay asleep this morning. It wasn’t anxiety or anything; I just couldn’t find the right temperature. Too hot, too cold. My body wanted sleep, but my mind was awake.  So I decided just to get up.  I have been thinking for a while of starting a site to capture my thoughts, especially in light of the assault on first amendment rights, but just couldn’t think of a nice, catchy name.  As I was getting ready to catch up on my Breitbart reading in the early hours of the morning, the perfect domain name popped into my head: “God, Guns, Government”.  What phrase better epitomizes a politically and socially conservative Christian who loves God and Country and values the United States Constitution?  Luckily, the domain was available so I jumped into the deep end…well probably just sticking my toe in the shallow end right now.

So around here I’ll be talking about, well, religion and politics, and probably a few other things I find interesting about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the United States of America.

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