“China on Top” Documentary

China on Top
China on Top: How China is Using America’s Playbook to Take Over the World

I ran across this documentary a while back and a had been holding the page open in a browser tab until I could get a chance to watch it. Finally had a bit of time to do so. This brief documentary is a bit of an eye opener. I think we can all recognize that China is major player on the global stage both economically and politically. But I don’t think we, the People and many in government office in the United States, are fully grasping the aspirations and consequences of China’s rising prominence; nor are we in a good place economically, politically or socially to deal effectively with the changing geopolitical landscape of a rising China.

What prompted me to get back to this was this tweet:

Do you notice anything about this map?  Maybe how often the Chinese flag appears across the globe, including the United States. Maybe how often the Chinese flag appears in countries that the United States might want to have the most economic and political influence.

This documentary is a glimpse of a preventable near future, but we need to wake up.  Like, now.

While we’re busy with endless foreign wars wasting blood and money on people groups who don’t know how or want to be free, China is rising. While we bicker and complain about budgets in Congress, we continue our fiscal irresponsibility. While the President talks about creating jobs, he’s too busy using government mandates to businesses to initiate and prop up failing social programs, rather than institute real pro-business, pro-growth, job creating policies, China rises. While our corporations are busy chasing the quarterly growth numbers and looking out for “the best interests of share holders”, China uses our own dollars to slowly buy our businesses, mediafarms, lands and real estate. China rises. While our educational institutions continue to brainwash our children about how much America sucks, China rises.

Before you simply dismiss this as some anti-China rant, hear me: this isn’t about China, this is about America. A little nationalism is good. Patriotism is good. “E pluribus unum” is good; holding fast to and practicing the Constitutional ideals that make America unique among nations is good.

Our feckless political, educational and business leaders have sold out our country culturally, socially, and financially, and it’s past time to wake up. It’s almost too late.

What has happened to the “shining city on a hill”?

Watch the full version of Reagan’s Farewell Address if you have the time.